From this article you can learn: the definition of two different CDP, each camp provides a firm and continuous data protection products and how the different snapshots.
Although continuous data protection (CDP) is a snapshot of the logical extension, but compare the two technologies have two questions. The first issue is the meaning of CDP is not yet determined; The second issue is CDP and snapshots of the current trend is the continuous integration. CDP provides a continuous, ongoing system of records stored in the state - an effective sustained continuously updated snapshot. And from time to time copies of data and storage data of different snapshots, CDP continued to capture and store data, save the changes in each store.
Many manufacturers offer a CDP product, but the characteristics of these products are different, they have differences about what is the CDP. Therefore, the storage administrator must study in detail each of these products and understand the features of the product manufacturer.
There are two definitions for the CDP, each definition has its corresponding supporters. The first camp by some mainstream, new and small CDP vendors, such as Mendocino Software and Revivio companies they think have a certain point in time reconstruction of the function is very important for the definition of CDP; The other camp, including Veritas, EMC company, that CDP is a snapshot with data replication function.
Revivio CDP is a typical small-company representatives. His product, called continuous protection system (CPS), the time when the data changes, the block-level data replication and data records to track when the time stamp was changed. When the reconstruction of the event trigger, the Storage Manager, select the specific event to reconstruct the data. Revivio system was rewritten by those who do not block data and block data altered the composition of the two together constitute the system's image. When the administrator verify that the image is correct when the application is usually run in the background to rebuild the system data. When reconstruction is complete, the system again to change back to the monitor and store the status block.
You might think CDP is actually a snapshot of a more mature features, and comes with a number of other features, such as from a certain point in time reconstruction of data. This is to CDP for many storage administrators are very attractive. However, CDP has some typical shortcomings. For example, it is not a snapshot, as different systems require different storage CDP and CDP applications require different.
Perhaps the greatest disadvantage for the CDP is that it is still a new thing, and a lot of things not yet conclusive. Perhaps in another 1 year to 2 years, we can expect the market to provide some more standard CDP products and features, and product data snapshot can be obtained from the CDP more features.
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